In this tense, twist-filled psychological thriller, Naomie Harris and Natalie Dormer deliver captivating performances as two estranged friends who reunite over tea, only to unveil a dangerous and deceptive plot that will irrevocably alter their lives.
维多利亚·卡门·索内, 崔娜·蒂虹, Besir Zeciri, Ava Knox Martin, Joachim Fjelstrup, Tessa Hoder, 索伦·希特-拉森, Thomas Kirk, Dan Jakobsen, Anna Tulestedt, 阿里·亚历山大, 贝妮迪克特·汉森, Per Thiim Thim, Peter Secher Schmidt, Agnieszka Przyborowska-Mitrosz, Cordelia Majgaard, Tommy Wurtz
简介:In this tense, twist-filled psychological thriller, Naomie Harris and Natalie Dormer deliver captivating performances as two estranged friends who reunite over tea, only to unveil a dangerous and deceptive plot that will irrevocably alter their lives.