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  BARÇA DREAMS is the most complete documentary ever to be made about the story of FC Barcelona, one of the top soccer clubs in the world, highly praised for its legendary figures like Leo Messi, the best footballer of all time, the prestigious coach Pep Guardiola, or the man who revolutionized this sport (soccer and football are used interchangeably throughout the entire text) with his innovative vision: Johan Cruyff. The film narrates the soccer club's long road to fame and acknowledgement, culminating in the generation of players of the stature of Leo Messi, Xavi Hernández and Andrés Iniesta, all of them trained in the famous school of La Masía. It also reveals the secrets of a powerful soccer club that causes admiration worldwide and is closely linked to the Catalan identity, making the motto "Barça: more than a club" a reality. It is a genuine emotional voyage to the heart and soul of the club which Joan Gamper, an undisputable sportsman, founded over a hundred years ago. It rekindles the dreams and ambitions of a long list of footballers who sought glory in one of the most admired soccer clubs in recent times.

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  • 片名:巴萨之梦
  • 状态:HD中字
  • 主演:莱昂内尔·梅西 哈维 · 埃尔南德斯 安德列斯·伊涅斯塔·卢扬 热拉尔·皮克 何塞普·瓜迪奥拉 
  • 导演:Jordi Llompart 
  • 年份:2015
  • 地区:西班牙
  • 类型:记录 
  • 频道:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:其它
  • 更新:2025-02-04 20:28
  • 简介:  BARÇA DREAMS is the most complete documentary ever to be made about the story of FC Barcelona, one of the top soccer clubs in the world, highly praised for its legendary figures like Leo Messi, the best footballer of all time, the prestigious coach Pep Guardiola, or the man who revolutionized this sport (soccer and football are used interchangeably throughout the entire text) with his innovative vision: Johan Cruyff. The film narrates the soccer club's long road to fame and acknowledgement, culminating in the generation of players of the stature of Leo Messi, Xavi Hernández and Andrés Iniesta, all of them trained in the famous school of La Masía. It also reveals the secrets of a powerful soccer club that causes admiration worldwide and is closely linked to the Catalan identity, making the motto "Barça: more than a club" a reality. It is a genuine emotional voyage to the heart and soul of the club which Joan Gamper, an undisputable sportsman, founded over a hundred years ago. It rekindles the dreams and ambitions of a long list of footballers who sought glory in one of the most admired soccer clubs in recent times.


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