In the gripping psychological thriller "Bibi," a grieving woman, consumed by her own demons, must confront a relentless stalker who blurs the boundaries between nightmare and reality, forcing her to question her sanity.
翻拍自知名法国探案剧 Astrid et Raphaëlle,2025年1月8日上线Channel4。设定于英国古城约克,人物也清一色更为英文名:拥有自闭症的档案管理员Patience Evans由Ella Maisy Purvis饰演;发现Patience奇才的探长Bea Metcalf由Laura Fraser饰演。本剧中所有神经多样性角色都由神经多样性演员出演,包括主角Patience。
The film centers on the Herdman kids, who are the absolute worst. They lie, they steal, they bully… and they’ve hijacked the town Christmas pageant. As the rowdy and raucous siblings force themselves into all of the lead roles, they drive the pageant’s di